Wednesday, January 18, 2012

So, this isn't the first time I've tried this...

Hi all! So I've been blogging on and off for about a year now. I've tried everything from tumblr to baking to photography to just life blogging but I could never keep up with it consistently. I think my problem was that I would start the thing like most people start new diets. It's really great and new and you're super excited and motivated to finally be committed to this thing but then two weeks in you see a fresh-out-of-the-oven chocolate chip cookie and you just can't resist...yes that applies to blogging. Trust me. Cookies can be distracting.

Anyway, this time it's going to be different because I have a purpose and a weekly, achievable goal that I am super confident in and I'm already journaling like a boss so this should be a cinch. (I literally almost thought it that word should be snitch. We'll get into my slight obsession with Harry Potter later though.) Most of what I put on here will probably be about how God is working in my life or about how awesome my friends are or how those two things are combining into a super mega awesome force of awesomenss. Yes, really.

One thing I'm going to put right out there from the beginning is this:  I am not your typical go to school for 4 years and get a job kind of girl. I don't even see myself staying in the country for more than 4 years from now. Frankly, I'll probably be in Europe helping the World Health Organization educate people on health issues. And I can't imagine doing anything more fulfilling. Sure, I want to have that fairy tale where my prince sees me from across the room and he pursues the crap out of me and then we live happily ever after and I get a cute little diamond, but I know there are people in the world who don't even have clean drinking water. In fact, 13% of the world doesn't have clean drinking water. That's more than 1 out of every 10 people, and there are around 7 billion people on this planet. So rather than lie and say I don't need no man, I'd rather say I have my priorities straight and my man will get at me when the time is right. And it's my job as a Christian to go to the lost and the broken and bring them home.

Speaking of which, drum roll please.....I am going to Kenya this summer for two weeks to work with children and I am super stoked about it. I've felt the call on my heart for a year now to go to Africa but until about 5 days ago, I didn't know how I was going to get there. Well, frankly I still don't know because I have to raise $2,000 and I've never seen that much money at one time in my entire life. So this is a huge step of faith for me just trusting that if the Lord has called me to do this, then He will provide. And I tell myself that everyday. And I pray for it every night.

So I guess if I could ask one thing of you, and I know this is my first post so maybe it's asking a lot, please keep me in your thoughts and prayers and pray that God uses me in this trip and that I find the support I need because heaven knows I do not have to funds for this trip on my own.

You all rock. Blessings loves,

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